These are a sampling of the data science methods and software besys has used on client projects. besys has extensive experience the methods listed, as well as R, Python, Julia, Octave, Scilab, and Apache projects.
Analysis Methods
- Time Series
- Geospatial
- Multivariate
- Factor
- Principal Components
- Multivariate Regression
- Linear and Nonlinear Regression
- Bayesian
- Survial
- Monte Carlo
- Natural Language Processing
- Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence
- Neural Networks
- Convolutional
- Recurrent
- Neural Networks
- R
- Python
- SciPy
- NumPy
- pandas
- SciKit-learn
- SciKit-image
- Julia
- Octave/MATLAB
- Statistica
- Apache
- Hadoop
- Spark
- Lens
- Storm
- PostGIS & pgrouting
- Scilab
- Tensorflow
Modeling & Simulation
- Discrete Event
- Monte Carlo
- System Dynamic
- Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS)
- High Level Architecture (HLA)
- Live-Virtual-Constructive (LVC) simulations